Tyre Retreading machine are manufactured by POWERGROW in brand of “POWERGROW” are horizontal bench mounted motors with nut set extensions on both ends suitable for mounting special tyre Retreading wheel attachments on which the Moulding wheels are mounted. POWERGROW Tyre Retreading machine are continuous rating, heavy constructed and noise free. The rotors are dynamically balanced to make the bench polishers vibration free and get optimum results. The windings of bench polishers are designed with extra capacity to bear temporary overloads as well as maintain the temperature at the same time. Bench Polishers above 5 HP (3.7 KW) are fitted with four bearings and longer in distance between two wheels. Ball bearings are assembled with accurate tolerances on housings and shaft which helps to develop less maintenance and gives longer life as well as these bearings are suitably covered to prohibit fine dust generated from polishing to enter the bearing cages. At POWERGROW electrically or mechanically customised Bench Polishers and tyre re-treading machine can also be manufactured to suit tyre requirement. This Tyre Retreading machine is appropriate for carrying out tyre moulding operations. Retreat also known as “recap” or a “remould” is a re-manufacturing process for tires that replace the thread on worn tires. Retreading is applied to casing of spent tires that have been inspected and replayed, it preserves about 90% of the material in spent tires and the material cost is about 20% compared to manufacturing a new one.